Chris Hemsworth Body Workout And Diet Plan


Chris Hemsworth

Birthday :- August 11, 1983 in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

Height :- 6 ' 3 ¼

Though born in Melbourne , Australia, Hemsworth saw a bit of the country in his youth when his family moved first to the Northern Territory before finally settling on Phillip Island, south of Melbourne.

Chris Hemsworth is the brother of actors Liam Hemsworth and Luke Hemsworth .

In 2004, he unsuccessfully auditioned for the role of Robbie Hunter in the Australian soap opera " Home and Away " (1988 ), but was recalled for the role of Kim Hyde which he played until 2007.

His first Hollywood appearance was in Star Trek (2009), but its role as holder in Thor that propelled him to prominence in the world.


Playing the role of Thor Chris Hemsworth required to make huge changes in her body to be fit for the role . Thor workout  includes a large number of factors, but the most essential elements of this workout makes heavy loads to get more muscle mass .
Running low repetition, heavy weight raised to increase muscle mass was difficult for him because he was shooting "Red Dawn" .
Chris Hemsworth workout focuses on three essential core of training sessions designed to improve their muscle mass.
The three workouts involving ( arms, legs and chest ) are created to increase muscle mass before proceeding to a more intense workout which usually makes use of kettle bells to achieve cutting.
The man who developed the training Thor named Duffy Gaver also incorporated cardio circuits and ab Chris to help achieve the body he wants to be Thor .

Chris Hemsworth Body

Monday to Wednesday :- Compound exercise
  -Barbell squats : 4 sets  10 reps
  -Lunges with dumbbells 4 sets  10 reps
  -Bench Press : 4 sets  8 reps
  -Deadlift : 4 sets  10 reps
  -Pull ups : 3 sets  8 reps
Tuesday-Friday :- agility and strength
  -Squat jump and Curl : 3 sets  10 reps
  -Push ups : 3 sets  10 reps
  -Standing Dumbbell Calf Raise : 3 sets  10reps
  -Cross Body Hammer Curls : 4 sets  8 reps
  -Kettle bell Swing: 3 sets  10 reps
  -Kettle bell snatch: 3 sets  10 reps
Saturday :- basic and Endurance
  -Ab Twist : 3 sets  10 reps
  -Runners Bosu : 3 sets  15 reps
  -Hanging Leg Raises : 3 sets  10 reps
  -Off pee : 3 sets  15 reps
  -Cycling : 15-20 min
  -Treadmill : 15-20 min


To build muscle mass , it is very important to eat the right kind of food. Protein helps in the muscle building process and is a must for those who want to increase their muscle mass.
Burn guided Chris to eat foods such as chicken, egg whites , steak and fish. They are ideal sources of protein.

Chris Hemsworth Workout Diet

Also, those who want to gain bulk must eat the right kind of carbohydrates at the right times of the day.
Chris reduces the consumption of starchy carbohydrates such as white rice and potatoes and increased consumption of fibrous carbohydrates such as spinach and broccoli.
In terms of what to eat, the Chris Hemsworth diet focuses on lean and all kinds of protein products .
 -Egg whites,chicken,fish,steak